Monday, September 3, 2018

Nadir. And I'm not talkin' Ralph!

Well, Ralph would be Nader, with an -er ending. Anyway, boys & girls, today's vocabulary word is nadir. 

noun: nadir; plural noun: nadirs
  1. the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization.

    "they had reached the nadir of their sufferings"

    synonyms:lowest point, lowest level, all-time low, bottomrock-bottom;
    "the nadir of his career"

My oncologist used this word when I saw him last week and, had that not been such an apt description of the state I was in, I might have laughed out loud.

Chemo #3 was 12 days ago and I'm just now starting to feel kinda' normal. That can only mean one thing: it's time for MORE CHEMO. Yep, more is scheduled for 2 days from today. 

Seems like recovery time is longer between each successive treatment. Well, actually it IS. See vocabulary word cumulative in my last post. 
The good news is that this upcoming fourth treatment is supposed to be the last of the super-crappy chemos. The last of the treatments with drugs that start with A and C. I don't know the names of them off-hand and do you really need to have them spelled out? I thought not. The next drug starts with a T and it's supposed to be easier to handle. If I can just get past this next dose of poison and the two or more weeks it's going to take to recover, then I'll be a happy camper. In the meantime, I'm saving money on shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, etc. Thank you for all of your prayers, good wishes, and happy thoughts. 💗