Friday, June 29, 2018

Stage 3

Or should that be in Roman numerals? Stage III. Hmmm. Will have to think on that. In fact, need to think on a lot of stuff before I can't think anymore due to (drum roll, please) CHEMO BRAIN. Yes, as if I didn't have enough trouble remembering stuff, looks like that's in my immediate future.

So...met the oncologist yesterday. Thank God hubby was with me, as he can help me remember what I can't or didn't get scribbled down fast enough.

Turns out it's Stage 3/III because it's >5 cm. Yep, I am apparently carrying around a tennis ball in my left breast. A tennis ball which DID NOT SHOW on the 2017 mammogram. Either it's fast growing (duh) or I have dense breasts. Or both. Oh, and it's also 3/III because it's in the lymph nodes. Geez.
And it's the "most common type" as in hormone receptive but HER2neu-negative. Apparently the latter is a good thing.

So, I'm gonna' need 20 (TWENTY!) weeks of chemo to shrink the tennis ball by at least 50% prior to surgery, followed by radiation. The odyssey begins...

And, yes, all of the chemo side effects shall be mine to cherish.

Anyway, before this fun and games can begin, I need a PET scan, a heart ultra-sound, and...a PORT INSTALLED UNDER MY SKIN. Good lord and WTH? THAT sound so gross, but apparently it's necessary as the chemo - strong chemo in my case - will just burn out the veins. Ew.

And that's the happy, happy news from here. As soon as I figure out what the URL is to this blog, I think I'll be ready to give it out to friends and family for their reading enjoyment. Stay tuned...

P.S. I feel validated as the Dr. said yes, cancer CAN make you tired as your body is fighting it. So now I have my answer as to why I've felt SO tired for the last several, if only I could SLEEP at night! (*sigh*)

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