Tuesday, August 21, 2018

My Taste Buds Are Back for a Week. Where's the Food?

I saw that on a funny meme (yes, there are funny cancer memes) and today I can really relate to it.  Tomorrow is chemo #3.  So today I'm not only tasting food, but experiencing the energy to do a few chores and take care of some personal errands that I will just feel too crappy to do for who-knows-how-long after tomorrow's poisoning.  Chemo #2 hit harder than  chemo #1. Turns out that's to be expected.  Apparently the effects of the poison are cumulative. 

adjective: cumulative
  1. increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions.
    "the cumulative effect of two years of drought"
    synonyms:increasing, accumulative, growing, mounting;

Yep. That about sums it up.  So I'm a little (OK, a LOT) concerned about tomorrow.  Well, mostly the two to three days after when the full wrath of the poisoning tends to descend upon me and linger for days.  Or weeks.  Hopefully I can sleep through it as per usual. 

Anyway, the bottom line is that today and yesterday feel like my own personal Last Supper.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm just going to feel crappy all the way to chemo #4 and beyond. That means about a month of crappiness ahead.  The only upside is that chemo #4 is my last of the super-crappy chemos.  After that I'm to receive 12 weeks of weekly less-crappy chemo.  So I guess all I can do at this point is hold my nose and jump in.