Saturday, August 4, 2018

One Boob Doll

Today I'm one step closer toward achieving the dream of every baby-boomer: to be a rock star! Yeah, baby!

Made it to my drum class ('Principles of Drum Set' or something like that) after missing the last 2 Saturdays. So I've attended sessions 1 & 4. Missed 2 & 3. It was a lot of fun. And I have a lot of practicing to do. The only other student in the class over 8 was not there today. I'm probably going to miss session 5 next week due to chemo recovery/afermath. We'll see. At least I have my trusty drumsticks from with which to practice.

So my daughter is a fan of a band called One Eyed Doll. She really gets my (sick, weird, off-the-wall, gallows) sense of humor. When I told her I was going to start a rock band with my new-found drum playing skills and asked her to guess the name of said band, she needed no prompting. She knew exactly what I was going to say. (See title of this post above). It's really wild when a person who came out of your body thinks the same things you do at the same times. I still have two boobs, btw, for those inquiring minds that need to know. And the name stays, whether I end up with 0 boobs or 3 or 4.

I'm really having a great weekend. I guess one just lives it to the fullest when one knows that the next one may be not-so-rosy. Last night we went out for sushi 🍣with another couple. DELICIOUS! And so fun! The place was noisy as hell,πŸ™‰ as always. Usually that bothers me so we go elsewhere but last night I didn't care. It was just fun to be OUT and able to taste FOOD and ENJOY it and not worry about what would happen G.I.-wise later. Maybe that's T.M.I. Have I used enough acronyms here? πŸ˜†

I managed to finally file for disability on-line yesterday, after having put off going into the EDD (another acronym) office for WEEKS. Long story short, it started out as unemployment due to lay-off but then the Big C came along and then it dawned on my that I probably should qualify for disability 'cuz who's going to hire me when I need to spend half the work week at doctor appointments? Apparently all I needed to do was open another account or claim or whatever online instead of constantly having my old password not work and waiting (and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting) for the promised-but-never-delivered email with the link to establishing a new password. Idiots. I hope my 49 days aren't up. That's the State's threatened deadline to file such things, I believe. Idiots. The truth is that I just wasn't UP to walking into that office and having to deal with a...with a...a...moron. My apologies to any employees of the great state of California who may be reading this. I'm definitely not talking about you.

That's about it, except for hair and bones. Hair: still here, although I think it's falling out slightly faster than usual. I have a feeling that this coming second round of chemo may leave me a tad follicularly challenged. Something to look forward to! Bones: The possible bone pain as a result of the neupogen injections have NOT materialized. How cool is THAT? I was told to take Claritin daily to offset the bone pain. Well, I've been taking it daily for years so perhaps I was more than ready for neupogen's assault. Or perhaps with my history of osteopenia, osteoporosis (I think), and hip replacements, I'm actually having bone pain but don't realize it. Whatever it is, I'm grateful.

Party tomorrow! I really want to go, whether I'm up to it or not. πŸ˜‰


  1. Hey rock n roll gal! Can I join the band?
    So glad you got your disability papers filed. You don't need damn paperwork on top of cancer.
    Sending hugs!!! xxoo

  2. All are welcome to join the band. Any age and any number of mammary glands. :-)

  3. "... HAS not materialized." Subject-verb agreement; subject is 'pain', not 'injections'. Minus 3 points.

    Now, if your brother wasn't such a pain, he would not have inflicted grammar injections on you. But I owe you big time, Grammar Queen, so THERE !

    1. Oh, yeah, that's so obvious. A minor typo made by the genius author in error, no doubt.

  4. And how cool you are drumming. I couldn't live without making music daily; so important for my head and heart and body and pulse.
