Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Any Storm In a Port

What must this PORTend? We shall see. In spades.

Yesterday I got my port installed. Today I am sore. Wonderful nurses and Dr., though.

The most wonderful nurse sat down with us (me & my mother-in-love) ahead of time to explain it all in detail. Just to supplement those middle-of-the-night Google/Youtube meanderings, no doubt. What struck me was a port sample (No, not the wine! Although that's an idea.🍷) with a flesh-colored rubbery patch over it which simulates how an implanted port might feel under the skin.

After that, I was wheeled in to the Twilight Zone. Actually, twilight sleep, although there doesn't seem to be much difference. The best part of that was finding out (between snoozing) that they all had quite a sense of humor. And, for the record Dr., I do NOT snore!

The drama began once we were home and eating a late lunch. I had almost completely bled through my little gauze patch, so it was back to the Dr. we went. Apparently there was a bleeder in the top incision that had flowed down and soaked the gauze on the lower incision. They took it all apart, glued it all back together, applied cold packs and PRESSURE. No ribs were cracked. LOL. I was told not to bend over (again) for 24 hours. And if that little vein bled again, he would probably have to put in a suture.

Well, it's now the next morning and so far, so good. Well, except for being freakin' SORE. Tylenol is only mildly effective.

Today it's an EKG. So glad it's close to home and won't involve a lot of time nor pain. That's pretty much my plan for the day. An EKG. Then come back home and...sleep, probably.

Tomorrow is the PET scan. I'm supposed to stop eating everything except basically vegetables, proteins, and fats starting 24 hours ahead. Which means I have about 10 minutes to finish the tea I'm drinking as it contains a splash of (fat-free) half & half.

Things to look forward to: A shower (2 more days), swimming (9 more days), eating without considering the upcoming PET scan(1 day).

Gosh this is kinda' hard to write. I think my brain is still recovering from the Twilight Zone.


  1. Thank you for telling us about this! I'm glad you went right back to the doctor's with that bleeding. Hope it's better now....hang in there! xxoo

  2. Finally getting caught up on these posts. Boy, Sis, you are going through the ringer here! But sounds like you have very good help and knowledgeable med folks.
